New & Tips

7 Steps to Moisturizing Dry and Inflamed Skin

1. Rose and lavender work wonders in calming skin inflammation,  Olive oil is also a great cure for all things dry, including peeling cuticles.

2. Prevent dead-skin pileup by using a pumice stone in the shower—and don’t be tempted into using a razor. That will only cause more skin to grow back. Pamper your feet with moisturizing facial masks.

Moisturizing Dry Skin

3 For daytime moisturizing, think layering: Use an antioxidant serum under a face cream, topped off with sunblock. To prevent flaking, consider light exfoliation once a week. Moisturizing without exfoliating first can result in breakouts and dull skin.

4 Water, paper, chemicals: all dry up soft hands. “You have to fight back every day,” founder of. “Exfoliate to slough off dead cells, then slather on a rich cream to compensate for how few oil glands you have.”

5 Here’s a secret for super-smooth, quenched lips: Use your richest eye cream on your lips! Note: Be sure it’s a “hydrating” formula, not “firming”—which is code for drying.

Lip Care

6  It’s chilly in the morning, but don’t be tempted to crank up the heat in the shower. Hot water followed by cool, dry air leads to rough skin. To lock in moisture post-shower, pat yourself dry, and coat skin in an alpha-hydroxy lotion.

7  For flawless skin choose a cleanser and moisturizer appropriate for your skin type that you can use a.m. and p.m., and then supplement it weekly with a purifying face mask. Also, consider using a nightly skin treatment that exfoliates dead skin cells.